Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Lazy Do Nothing Happening Kind of Day.

I feel like a bum today...hubby worked and now he is outside trimming the shrubs and bushes and tomorrow is will be "practicing" a 50 or so mile bike ride that he is participating in next month. So he will be gone all day. Today, the most productive thing I did was shower. I did balance the checkbook and have lunch on base with hubby. But other than that it's been me and reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 and now LMN has a movie on about a man who kills his wives. I seriously had a whole mega list of things I need to do today. I put my status as completing my To Do list by moving it all to Sunday and so I will get it all done tomorrow. I just cant turn on the TV LOL.

Every so often I have one of these kinds of days, decompressing of sorts - used to be more so when I was working. It just I feel bad in a way, hubby working and all I didn't even do the dishes today. AND we are going out to dinner tonight simply because we received "found money" in the mail. Love that. I do not recall ever filling out the rebate for whatever appliance this rebate was for but they Whirlpool send me a letter a few weeks back telling me I never used the check they sent...ha! I never got one and one of the options on this form was to get a replacement is on Whirlpool and there is enough on there for maybe two more dinners sometime! Probably should use if for something we need but today I think we need Cracker Barrel.

I also had a panic attack today when I wasn't getting a response back from Valerie today for like six hours...don't laugh now! She finally text me (her phone was on silent) and all is good there.

Anyway, back to my lazy day. I think they are good for clearing out the cobwebs. I mean I am not even thinking about anything...well except how to move that bottle of water from the kitchen without me actually having to get up to get it. Yea...didn't work, I had to get up and then the urge to use the bathroom seems more real than just a thought. Oh and on the way back, I see a few things I need to do in the kitchen and chuckle as I get back to the comfy recliner with my water. Yep, lazy. It's strange but even when I was working and had one of these days, no matter the crap that I was experiencing (oh there was a lot!!) at work, on this kind of day I went blank. It was going to be there anyway come Monday so I choose to do nothing and I mean nothing.

One weekend about a year ago, Mark and I got up one Saturday morning and noticed there was a Law and Order SVU and Criminal Intent marathon on all weekend. We like those two of the series so we settled in with breakfast and watched a few episodes....before we knew it it was mid afternoon. We were still in PJs and had done nothing. We cleaned up breakfast and found a few snacky type foods for the rest of the afternoon LOL. By the time dinner came, Valerie asked what we were having...I was like, um um hmmm....let's order Pizza! Even most of Sunday we did this too...we were such bums that weekend but it felt so good to absolutely nothing. I have this thing about cooking a Sunday dinner so I actually did cook that Sunday. Since that time, we have done marathons with NCIS and House LOL but those were on DVDs and we could pause them if "real life" happened to stop by.

I should be doing something as Mark is just sweating away out there but no matter how hard I blink my eyes, twitch my nose or try to orb to the laundry room or the kitchen it isn't working. Life is good.

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