Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Continuing saga of the Kitchen Makeover

Today was spent cleaning the cabinets needed a good dose of Murphy's Oil but I had bought Pledge's version of it and it works really nice, and has a nice orange citrus smell. They are now shiny and clean...on the outside. Inside, they are still in disarray. Took down the curtains and rods, and moved some furniture to the garage to make way for painting. I had to chuckle because I hate cleaning but I know it needs to be done. I hate it mostly because growing up both of my parents worked most weekends and I was the one who cleaned the house (only child) and so I learned quick to keep it clean so that I could fly through cleaning day! So as I was cleaning the cabinets, I noticed there wasn't that many dust bunnies hiding anywhere. I guess I still clean the same old way! At least the kitchen anyway...don't even think about looking at the furniture anywhere could engrave your name in the dust. I hear the damn bunnies laughing each time I walk by anything in the house that attracts dust. We are going to get the paint today and painting this weekend. 

I have created - well - in the process of creating some wall art for the kitchen. I just need to find two more frames for them...two are on the wall in another room that I will take down. The others are most likely in the attic. I don't go up in there. Don't ask. 

I found a few neat things I want to do in the master bathroom online and hubby told me he was going to ban part of the internet from me if I didn't stop finding work for him. But, he liked the ideas.

Ok off to pull out the stove and refrigerator...I bet that is where all the dust bunnies are hiding...the boogers.

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