Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cats really do have nine lives!

The next two weeks are finals...starting to get nervous about 3 of the 4. One I already did (the video speech.) I really am not worried about passing them, but about making the grade to keep my GPA at this point. If all goes well, I will have a 4.0. 

Still worried about oldest daughter and her exam which is next week (Tues or Wed, she picks)

Worried a bit about youngest and her finals too...

I realize worrying doesn't do anything, it will be what it will be BUT I am worried. 

On other news, after these two weeks, I have a break (a month I think) before summer classes start. I plan to do more home decor stuff. I hope to have the kitchen finally finished BEFORE the inlaws come on May 9.

One of youngest daughter’s friend's parents had chairs that matched ours for the dining room table (that is in my kitchen) so we bought 4 of them from for $60! They got a new set and the chairs were just sitting in the garage.

I need a few more prints for the eating area to hang and still have YET to find any REMOVABLE wall decor stickers for the the back splash. Apparently, I am still living in the 90s when those were popular. Had I known....

Belle, our wonderful old kitty has been through hell this week...all because of ME. It's a wonder she doesn't hate me. Cats are very forgiving though. Saturday evening I gave her the frontline treatment...she didn't look my way till Sunday when it was time for breakfast and then what do I do? I dropped the tupperware container of food on her head (spilling nearly half its contents) and she ran and hid in Val's room...which I might add she has NEVER stepped foot in. She didn't look my way or come out for hours. When she did, she snubbed me! get better....Monday she was under the desk sleeping and I knew it (no where near the chair) as I was working on class assignments. An hour later, I got up to check laundry and as I moved the chair I hear this crying/screaming/shrieking from her. I freaked a lifted the chair fast and saw her run but I saw a chunk of what appeared to be her tail!! OMG I freaked and shrieked and cried and picked the dang thing up! Noticed it was NOT tail but just fur. OMG..I went to her and she wouldn't even let me touch her. I tried to bribe her with treats to come down from the window ledge...nothing. I moved the couch to get to her and by this time she was gone...ran her safe haven...the closet in Val's room. I was still freaking out but I went there and laid down on the floor by her. She let me pet her and I felt all over and she didn't cringe or try to bite me so I guess mainly she was scared and the fur coming off pain didn't last long...IDK but I was so upset. She stayed up there most of the day. She did come down to eat at night and I watched her, she seems fine. Yesterday...nothing major happened...thank God. I am a horrible mama....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Will itching count against me?

 just did my video's the best it is going to get...I mean I scratched my nose in it...BUT the rest is good...good eye contact, emotion in voice, etc...will the itching count against me?  I cannot do it over...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The moment when your daughter doesn't pitch a fit over money when she agrees to chip in for something...priceless

Thursday, April 5, 2012

cabin fever

I think yesterday was the first time since I quit my job that I really had cabin fever. I just wanted to get out! Today, I had a zillion things to do and out I got. Almost had to curse at a grandma driving one of those car-carts in the grocery store. I think she forgot her damn cart was the size of TWO with that cart and she kept pushing my cart, thinking she had more room. 

I got an email from someone I worked with and it made me realize there are some people there I do miss. Maybe that's why I had the cabin fever. 

Pot roast came out awesome tonight and enough left for tomorrow even. I still haven't adjusted to cooking for day. Sigh.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Just need to vent a has not been a good day, it will be better i am sure. First, the internet went down in the middle of research was cox's fault. DTV gave me crap and was not helpful. The bank was semi helpful. Internet came back and it took me 3 hours to write an outline and a works cited...Yea...3 hours. Should have taken 20 min tops. I just showered an hour ago...I am ready for bed. The soup I am making for dinner better be damn good or else.....

Monday, March 26, 2012

Keep on Educating

Just registered for summer and fall classes...all are online but one. I also am looking into the co-op program with the base...but for now, I am going to clean the toilets and do laundry...yea I am having fun.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Conversations with oldest daughter

Oldest Daughter and I had a text convo today and I wanted to share it:

Oldest Daughter: I am sitting in my last college class ever.

Me: yay!!!

Me: Took a hard test an 85 on it...brought my 99 avg down.

Oldest Daughter: Yeah that happens haha but it's still a good grade.

Me: Yea but it bums me out some. Oh and I get to register for classes when the "seniors" do and not the junior that I am - Sunday at midnight. hahaha

Oldest Daughter: I do not miss registration, ours was at 3am. You just have to do better at the next test to bring up average but an A is an A no matter if it's 100 or 90. And C's get degrees.

Me: thanks for the pep talk. Nice to know that you were listening all those times I told you the same thing, minus the C's get degrees. lol.

They do listen to us LOL. Made me smile and proud.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Finally...painting is done

Well, the major part of the painting is done. Tomorrow, touch ups and the baseboards. Then the cleaning up and putting back everything. I am pooped. I am so stiff from all the bending. I thought I was over that since I have been working out, but apparently I have no idea what muscles I was working out with. We went the color, sweet chamomile. It has brightened up the room and I love it.  

Pictures were hung of the wall art I created.  Little things left to do.

I have to make my paper for class top priority tomorrow morning as it is due on Monday.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Continuing saga of the Kitchen Makeover

Today was spent cleaning the cabinets needed a good dose of Murphy's Oil but I had bought Pledge's version of it and it works really nice, and has a nice orange citrus smell. They are now shiny and clean...on the outside. Inside, they are still in disarray. Took down the curtains and rods, and moved some furniture to the garage to make way for painting. I had to chuckle because I hate cleaning but I know it needs to be done. I hate it mostly because growing up both of my parents worked most weekends and I was the one who cleaned the house (only child) and so I learned quick to keep it clean so that I could fly through cleaning day! So as I was cleaning the cabinets, I noticed there wasn't that many dust bunnies hiding anywhere. I guess I still clean the same old way! At least the kitchen anyway...don't even think about looking at the furniture anywhere could engrave your name in the dust. I hear the damn bunnies laughing each time I walk by anything in the house that attracts dust. We are going to get the paint today and painting this weekend. 

I have created - well - in the process of creating some wall art for the kitchen. I just need to find two more frames for them...two are on the wall in another room that I will take down. The others are most likely in the attic. I don't go up in there. Don't ask. 

I found a few neat things I want to do in the master bathroom online and hubby told me he was going to ban part of the internet from me if I didn't stop finding work for him. But, he liked the ideas.

Ok off to pull out the stove and refrigerator...I bet that is where all the dust bunnies are hiding...the boogers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Forward...No thanks!

I don't know about any of you, but this time change has really affected me big time. Time change, whether it's forward or back, has never bothered me before. Never. Ever. I am finding it hard to get sleep. I go to bed at the same time and listen to hubby snore (and I mean S.N.O.R.E.), read my kindle until the snoring is quieter and more evenly spaced, then I fall asleep. Somewhere around 2 - 3 in the morning, I wake up - WIDE AWAKE. So I read. By the way, no one is on FB at the time. I just get sleepy enough by the time hubby wakes up to get ready for work, which is 4:30am and I am awake again. I truly don't fall back to sleep until he leaves at 5:30am. My internal clock is set for 7:30...wait...correction....Belle wakes me up at that time to eat and she is relentless. Of course, no use going back to sleep as I have classes, chores, and errands to do. 

I really wanted to scrub and oil the cabinets today, I still do, but my body is telling me "Go to bed" and I may have to listen, once the kids leave. They are heading back to the boro today with dog. But knowing them, they aren't on a time schedule and will leave when they choose to. 

Why am I rambling on about this, to stay awake? No. To tell you my problems? No. I have no clue why. Mr. Sandman has not been doing his job well and he shouldn't be allowed to leave sand in my eyes when I haven't gotten to enjoy the benefits of sleep. Solid Sleep. Good Sleep. Uninterrupted Sleep.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Painting the town...I mean the kitchen

Not a very good picture but that's the lightening in my kitchen, which will be fixed too. Oh can you see how many projects will get started now! Anyway, hubby and Val like the light greens, Jen and I like the lighter yellows. Hubby even wants to paint the ceiling in the kitchen...we had our washer leak through the ceiling about a year ago and when we repaired it, the paint didn't quite match. I really like the tiling idea but he was not for it.

I am still narrowing it down, leaning towards a color called sweet's a soft yellow with just enough brightness to go with the dark cabinets and black appliances.

 I also am looking for herb prints to frame..not having much luck there though...may have to make my own.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Time for a Change...Kitchen make over

I am in the midst of planning a deep re-organizing of my kitchen. Cabinets, pantry, counters, everything will be re-organized. Items donated that I never use and those that are rarely used will be put up in those shelves that are touching the ceiling. I have it all planned in my head - it will look great. I even will be redecorating the kitchen with items I know I have in some closet in the house. Yes, this will be awesome when it's done. 

There's only one problem.

It's in my head. It won't come out because I am Queen of Starting Projects. 

But my kitchen looks totally my head.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Celebrations... know how much I hate to exercise so when I do and feel good about it, I do not want to log on to FB and see Chic-fil-a's add for their banana pudding shake. C'mon! I don't even know if I like it but I like banana pudding! I just walked 2 miles and did strength training all I see when I look at my pretty water bottle that Jennifer got me to use in "school" is a milkshake and not the water that is in it. Thanks Chicken place. 

Classes update...another test done and aced it...a HARD one tomorrow...World Lit. I hate that topic just as much as exercising. Yes, I rebel at studying for it too. I don't even know what to study for since she will be giving us essays to write. ICK.

This past Friday marks the one year date of Mark's brain surgery. It's funny how we remember things like that but can't remember what we need to get at the store. Thanking God every day that he came out of it just fine! So, he celebrates by going on a 65 mile bike ride Saturday, I celebrated by going to Hobby Lobby. We all have our ways! Oh and then we went to dinner with friends at a great Mexican place, Margaritas....and yes I did have one. 

I'm rambling but I didn't feel like posting on open FB. I will be updating the food blog today too. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life is good...even with World LIt

It's been a whirlwind past few days with my classes. Ok that's a lie. I played hooky Friday. The entire weekend I did nothing. Yesterday back on it. BUT I have been like the wind and gusting through researching for my papers. The one I asked for opinions on it due in a couple of weeks and is the longest. I actually started it and have two whole paragraphs done! Yeehaw! You may be saying, "is that it?" Well..Introductions are the HARDEST for me to do. I tend to write them last LOL. But not this time. 

Two English short papers done, that next quiz there is gonna be a nightmare. Two other short papers for two classes done. I need to start on my final project for one class like last month. 

I have a headache from thinking about all of this. BUT - I have homemade, fresh salsa and oven chicken fajitas in the works for dinner so life is good.

First Exam...yikes

OK first BIG exam tomorrow...send good wishes and prayers for a good grade! Professor already told us, it is a hard exam and expect to see your A's go to C's. That will not happen to me. (power of positive thinking)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unorganized, Insane Day

Well, I was heading to get that cup of coffee when I got distracted by my DIRTY Kitchen. So I started on a cleaning binge. When I worked, my house wasn’t spic and span all the time but it was kept up. After I quit my job, my house is still not spic and span BUT I have been deep cleaning things…cleaning closets….finishing up projects, etc. Now that I am back in school, my house is so bad. I haven’t mopped since before Christmas and sweeping the kitchen floor…OMG it needs it so bad that if I don’t do it today, I feel I may have visitors that I do not want. I have a problem organizing my time now with school. It was easy with work…you cleaned on the weekends. Bleck. When I quit, I did stuff every day so all was good. Now, I have to add the “chores” in my planner that I keep for classes. No lie. I have post it’s with what I need to do on it.

Yesterday was one of the most unorganized days I have had in months. I was so stressed that I felt my BP rise and RISE. I was supposed to have a quiz posted for World Lit….well I guess the auto upload for it failed and no quiz was posted till noon. Not that I was ready for that one…and when I saw the quiz finally…OMG…it isn’t a quiz. It’s a freakin TEST! Five essay questions that have 2 parts each. One response paper that had to be one page long.

Ok so, no quiz at first…practice test for a PowerPoint Exam…6 wrong the first time through it. Oh boy! 60 questions took me over an hour! Then off to watch a video for another class…most of these videos have been interesting – this one was not! In between all of this, I was doing 5 loads of laundry (still have 3 beds with bedding to wash.) Then, I remembered I had a doctor appt. in the afternoon. So showered for that and went to it. Two hours of study time lost there. Now the time is going on 4pm.

I finally sit down to work on quiz and it took me till 6pm to do this. I sent it. I hope I got a C. Yes, I should be more confident but I am not. I knew the play and all its themes, etc. but I do not do well on analyzing material like that. I did the practice PPT exam again and 3 wrong. Still an A so…yea. Now it’s 8pm. I think I ate yesterday.
I watched a bit of TV with hubby and then went to BED. I need to be more organized. I didn’t feel my BP go back to normal till bedtime. I laughed when the doctor said my BP was 128/something. It has been 116 since I have been on meds.

SO, today I guess I am making up for being so disorganized yesterday. Oh and Jennifer left her watch here that she needs for clinical so I need to go mail that…wasn’t on the post it!!! Darn! Hahaha.

There will be MANY more days like yesterday, this I know. Moral of the story – make margaritas to relax me while I am studying…no that’s not it…but it’s a good one though! Off I go to answer to the broom and dustpan! (Yea…I get all the fun!)

OH….grade for PPT exam today….100% (I rock!)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Teenage Battles

I watched an episode of Dr. Phil yesterday...rare that I do but I was folding laundry and put the TV on. He had this 17 yr. old on there from hell. She was horrible to EVERYONE, language, drugs, sex, threatening parents and others, BIG anger problem, OMG she made me angry and made me cry! Her parents were doing the best they could I suppose after YEARS of just GIVING IN to her to save fits, issues, problems, etc. Father is a cop and he more than anyone else should know what happens to teens who lead this kind of life and he was like "she is going to go missing one day and never come back" Daughter said and I quote "maybe that's what it will take for me to learn my lesson" OMG...I was like, yea last lesson you will learn! She turns 18 in 8 weeks so they can't legally kick her out till then. Dr. Phil wants to send her to some boot camp place and she was like NO not going to go. She did admit she has an anger problem and doesn't like that she can't control it. Phil told parents he will get a transporter to send her there as she was still underage and they parents had the say. They are sending here there...I sure hope it works. 

I had issues with my oldest from ages was horrible. She wanted out of the house – my heart broke at that thought but a few times I wanted her to go too - yet neither of us did anything about that. We argued, yelled and oh it was bad. She hated me, I didn't like her much. I never gave up on her. Anyway, we got through it and now we are close. When I watched this, I immediately with tears in my eyes sent a text to my girls (both were in class or I would have called) that said how much I loved them and how proud of them I was. 

Tell your kids often that you love them and how much they mean to you...they need to hear it even if they never say it to you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And...Let the FUN begin!

When I left you last, I was preparing myself to go back to college after a 20 plus year absence and I was pretty much freaking out.  Well, I still am just not as much!  I have everything I need except a working webcam which I need to use to make two videos.  Mine will work on Skype but not on it's own...yea...great.  I tried everything my technical mind could think of and used the resources of the internet as well.  My computer background is pretty good too.  SO, I will do what I do in this situation and call my DAD!  He knows everything about anything!  I will most likely have to buy an external one though.  Sigh.  

I have a very full load to carry this semester and everyone thinks I can do this but me. Guess I need to get on the train with them, eh?!  Last night was my first night of class in the classroom (since all other classes are online) and I have to tell you I was pretty nervous almost to the point of wanting to throw up.  But as my wonderfully brilliant daughter (whom I called to get a pep talk from) told me, "if you puke now, that tuna salad sandwich you had for lunch will not be pretty the second time and you will stink. Not a good first impression, Mom."  TOLD you she was brilliant!  I did not throw up the tuna.  I went in to class and for an hour and 15 minutes I listened the Professor talk about World Lit and what she expected from us.  She was cool.  She had an accent from the Caribbean thrown in with a bit of British.  I have to tell you, I read the chapter we were to read AND if you were to ask me to tell you what I read, I would have to shoot you.  It was in one eye and forgotten.  The Professor made this subject come alive, fun and I wanted to read it like she was telling us about it.  Drama, Love, Soap Operas, etc.  I sure hope I can, that will help writing all those papers she wants us to do.  

Yes, when the hour was up I was breathing normal and left for home.  I have tons to do for all the classes and if I organize myself I can do this...yes I can.

Now, for my oldest daughter's advice (see this post for that blog)

  • Bring either a bookbag or a purse, not both.   - Brought a purse
  • bring mechanical pencils - forgot the pencil but had a pen (didn't need a pencil!)
  • old people your age sit in the front because they can't see or hear well 
  • best seat to sit in is the sides, 3rd row  - sat in the back as it was the only row available when I got there, 10 min early even!
  • if you have classes with desks that have the arm desk you pull're screwed because you're left handed.  bring your computer - sat at computer tables
  • make friends fast because old people aren't usually picked for groups quickly unless the younger people like you - made a friend!
  • you have an advantage because you know how to use technology...some old people don't - found this to be true with one of the younger ones there!
SO...there you have it, my first day of class.  I survived, I was fine, it will be OK.  Breathing again.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

First day of college classes...

OMG...first day of classes with online classes was eye opening. I have SO much writing, reading and thinking to do. Tomorrow night is my first in class class...World Lit....

Ok from 2pm to 5pm I organized a bit of the material I need to do and did 3 assignments...easy ones like introducing myself on the discussion boards. I have an orientation assessment to take and it's based on the syllabus I printed out and I have to get a 100 on the blessed thing and I keep getting a 90! Oy Vey! You can't access the materials for the course without the 100! I can see the instructor shaking his head at the number of attempts I am using...probably thinking I am a total idiot.

Topic of a 10 min video paper - something/someone from the year you were born relating to computers...I am that year even going to have anything??? I found a few things....maybe I can get 10 min which is about 5 pages maybe?!! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Practice what you preach, MOM

I'm beginning to think I should rename this blog to "Life of a OLD College Student" because I think that is all I will be posting about the next few months.

I begin back to college Monday, well actually I did yesterday "unofficially" with the syllabus' and the pre-assignments to the assignments.  I think I bit off more than I can chew! What was I thinking with FOUR classes all online!  So much to do, so much thinking, writing, thinking, writing, and on and on it goes.  I felt nauseous when I saw all I had to do and the classes didn't even start.  I felt a little throw up in mouth as I read what was due the first week.  I panicked.  I freaked some.  I texted my daughter who just started college and told her I was gonna fail.  She told me to have positive thoughts.  I replied with "I'm positive I am going to fail."  She then told me all the things I told her when she was nervous, scared and wanted to puke.

You'll do fine
You can do it
You are smart
Make a schedule
Stick to it
Force yourself to NOT procrastinate like I do

Yea, I forgot to breathe even while I was thinking of all the reasons I needed to drop classes.  I know she is right.  Even my older daughter told me some of the same things.

How do they do it?? Well I am going to find out.  I sat down in front of my laptop at the desk and for three hours:

I read 4 syllabus'
Introduced myself three times
took a orientation assessment 5 times (had to get a 100 on it to pass - kept getting 90's and 97's)
Printed documents out that I knew were on the site but wanted hard copies.
Made a list of things to buy
Made another list of what I need to do in class the first week
Did one assignment
Looked over at the thick World Lit book and frowned...yes I have to read a portion before class Tues.  This is my only hybrid class...

Then I made dinner and poured a glass of red wine. Now, I am still overwhelmed, just not wanting puke.

Are you listening??

Well...................................wouldn't ya just know girls taught me a lesson and they don't even know it. Practice what you preach! I tell them all the time when they get like I am now (overwhelmed, negative vibes galore, wanna puke feeling, etc) - You will be fine, make a schedule, positive thinking, it won't be easy but you can do it. 

I am giving myself 30 min on here and then I am going to sit down and take one class, one assignment at a time and make me a schedule. All day I have been giving myself excuses and things to do, grocery shop, cleaning, lunch with hubby . Valerie told me today, "You have to force yourself to stick to a schedule...don't be like your daughter and procrastinate." She was referring to herself. 

At least I know they "hear" what I tell them all these years!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Food Blog

I am getting serious about my recipe blog....once I am ready to let everyone have the website, I will share it. It's been fun adding my recipes and telling how I came across/created them. I need to learn to take better pictures of the results...actually I need to also remember to take pictures BEFORE we eat the food! I have looked at several blogs and am in awe of them...I can only wish mine will be that good one day. Really, though, I just want all my recipes in one place instead of scattered on pieces of paper. I hope to bind them into a book one day too.

Here is the link:  Blogghetti

If you like what you see, please comment and share.

Anniversary of a Tumor

Last evening I asked my husband what he wanted to do for his birthday this Friday and he just shook his head and said I don't know.  I got to thinking about his upcoming birthday and realized that next month will be one year since he had a seizure and brain surgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor.  How lucky we are that he is here to celebrate another birthday.  How lucky am I to have him here to complain to and about at times.  I still think about that day when he he had his seizure and how it could have been so much worse.  He had it at home, on the couch and not in a car driving or on his bike, which he JUST finished riding that day.

God was watching over him for sure and all through the ordeal.  I re-learned how powerful prayer is that month as well.  Friends were putting him on prayer lists at their churches, my facebook friends sent out prayer chains online and of course we had the support of family.  During that same time, my grandmother passed away as well so it was an extra stressful time as well. I wasn't able to help my mom with the funeral and her estate as my husband was having brain surgery.

I have been with my husband for over 31 years...married for 26 of them.  We have been together since we were 14...and still going strong.  I remember when he was having the seizure, I yelled to him that he wasn't allowed to leave me as we weren't done being together yet...and we aren't.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Taking down the Tree and reliving the memories

It's time, again, to take Christmas and wrap it back up in the boxes until next time.  Our tree is filled with ornaments that were handmade or have sentimental value.  We also have an ornament for each year...we are missing a few but for the most part they are there. I have several that the girls made throughout their childhood and in girls scouts, each one reminding me of them at that particular age.  Others were made my mother when she was big into cross stitching on plastic canvas.  I also have quite a few that were my grandparents that hung on my parent's tree when I was I growing up...makes me remember the times with them.  Of course, there are new ones that we have acquired over the years and from gifts.  Each one has a memory and when I put them up I recall those memories and smile.

Today, when I was taking the ornaments off the tree I held each one and thought of all the memories they had and wondered if my girls would do that when they have homes and trees of their own. They don't seem interested in assisting in the decorating of the tree or house and when I remind them of an ornament, they tend to listen but their mind is not there.

Does their generation not care about the history of their family or the memories of it all?  Are they too into their technology to stop and think about the past?

I guess I am being sentimental today.  Heck, I have been that way since Valerie started college.  Empty nest is still in full swing.

Later this month, I will be taking on the task of clearing out some boxes of items that I saved from their school years.  Organizing them and protecting them a bit better than they are.  I guarantee I will be using some tissues and will be texting or calling the girls to say...Remember this....OR...I can't believe we saved this...

Reliving memories is what keeps our history alive...I hope my girls do the same to their families in the future.

Taking down the Tree and reliving the memories

It's time, again, to take Christmas and wrap it back up in the boxes until next time.  Our tree is filled with ornaments that were handmade or have sentimental value.  We also have an ornament for each year...we are missing a few but for the most part they are there. I have several that the girls made throughout their childhood and in girls scouts, each one reminding me of them at that particular age.  Others were made my mother when she was big into cross stitching on plastic canvas.  I also have quite a few that were my grandparents that hung on my parent's tree when I was I growing up...makes me remember the times with them.  Of course, there are new ones that we have acquired over the years and from gifts.  Each one has a memory and when I put them up I recall those memories and smile.

Today, when I was taking the ornaments off the tree I held each one and thought of all the memories they had and wondered if my girls would do that when they have homes and trees of their own. They don't seem interested in assisting in the decorating of the tree or house and when I remind them of an ornament, they tend to listen but their mind is not there. At least that is what I think.  I have to admit throughout the years they have listened and even brought up memories on their own.

Treasure your memories and share them often....they do listen.

Does their generation not care about the history of their family or the memories of it all?  Are they too into their technology to stop and think about the past?

I guess I am being sentimental today.  Heck, I have been that way since Valerie started college.  Empty nest is still in full swing.

Later this month, I will be taking on the task of clearing out some boxes of items that I saved from their school years.  Organizing them and protecting them a bit better than they are.  I guarantee I will be using some tissues and will be texting or calling the girls to say...Remember this....OR...I can't believe we saved this...

There is something about taking the tree down that reminds me