Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Holy Crap on a Cracker, I QUIT my J-O-B

I made a decision today. I made a choice today. I made a change. I hope it was the right one in the end.

After much talking, discussing, and a lot of praying - I quit my job today.

I was never so nervous to do this...I knew it was what I wanted to do. The nerves came from me thinking I would cave when I actually got there to turn my letter in. My stomach had knots, butterflies and it was just about to toss the cookies I didn't eat! Valerie told me, "you can do this, Mom - Do you need me to drive you? Are you ok to drive?"

I drove myself. Met with my supervisor BRIEFLY as she was leaving to get her son but would call me when she got back. She told me if it was the right thing for me to do then she was behind me. I told her I wanted to go back to school and working full time wasn't going to get me my degree in a year and a half. It would take me twice that.

Well...to be honest here, the real reason is what I stated earlier in this blog. The slap I felt when they were going to put me in a different position that I felt was a step down. BUT I do WANT to go back to school too, so this was the "out" so to speak that I needed. I do need to find another job but I want to pursue this goal first.

In fact, I am calling tomorrow to make an appt with the Enrollment specialist at the college that I chose. She/He will help me decide what I want to be when I grow up.

I still have to go through all the exit interviews and process but that will happen. I left there saying "I just quit my job" and then the panic set in. And then the positive me said it again, "I quit my job"

Holy crap on a cracker!

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